Preacher’s Daughter

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The photograph has a warm, sepia tint. Ethel Cain sits on a chair in a long, white dress. She is leaning on a side table with a photograph hanging above her. Wooden slat walls are behind her. The image is blurry and grainy.

Album Review

Albums as Narratives: Preacher’s Daughter by Ethel Cain

Clara Blankenship Music Journalist When I first heard Ethel Cain’s album Preacher’s Daughter, I was underwhelmed. Do not get me wrong, I recognized how gorgeous it was, but I felt I was missing the point of connection. I found a Fader podcast interview with her on Spotify a few weeks ago that came out after her release. I relistened to the album afterwards, and my experience completely changed.  Ethel Cain is […]

todayJuly 27, 2022
