
Overcoming Homesickness

todaySeptember 20, 2018


By Andronica Owens
Blog Content Contributor

Fall semester is in full swing after three months of summer fun. There are classes to attend, homework to do and memories to be made. It’s a fun time, but it’s also one of the busiest times for a college student. Your planner fills up and your days will blur together. There will be times when you think that there aren’t enough hours in a day to even sleep, but I want to ask you a question: do you find yourself missing home as the days go by? Do you find yourself waiting for Friday to drive home and not come back until Sunday night? Are you missing out on making those connections with your friends because the only thing you want to do is stay in a room you’re not comfortable in?

decorations, home, and comfort
Make your new room or apartment feel like home. Illustration by Haley Peters

If so, you may be experiencing homesickness–which is a common struggle many students face at the beginning of the semester. Sometimes the signs are obvious, you find yourself wanting to go home; however, sometimes the signs are harder to catch, and you end up missing big events.

Many college students feel homesick at some point. Being away from home for a long period of time isn’t easy for everyone. Adjusting to your new schedule takes time and you have to be aware of yourself and your needs to know which steps to take to remedy it. Many things contribute to feelings of homesickness–while it manifests differently for everyone–there are steps you can take to cope with it better in those first few weeks.

  • Make your new room or apartment feel like home. It should be as comfortable as possible, so when you come back after a long day you have a space to call your own. Hang up pictures and decorate any way you want.
  • Check in with your family back home. You may not have the time to call everyday but stay in contact with them. If you’re missing them, they are more than likely missing you too. Talking on the phone for 15 minutes can prove to be a turning point in your day.
  • Meet the people who live around you. Spend time with them and get to know them. It is likely they’re experiencing the same feelings you are and making those connections can help take your mind off missing home.
  • Go explore your new home away from home. You’re in a new place and it’s exciting, so go find out all about it. Try the local restaurants or sit and study in a new coffee shop. Getting familiar in your new home will make the transition easier for you.

There’s no real cure for homesickness. You may experience it your freshman year or junior year or not at all. Call your family. Go home on the breaks. Don’t get too consumed in the college experience. This is a new chapter in your life yes, but you don’t have to leave behind the ones you’ve completed.

Featured Illustration by Haley Peters. 

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